Social Emotional Learning

  • This course delves into the psychology of bullying and the cultural climate that gives rise to such cruelty and aggression. The course takes a complex issue and synthesizes what is known into 8 simple, targeted “keys” that equip educators, professionals, and parents with practical strategies to tackle the issue of bullying head-on.
  • This course will be dropped on June 30, 2024 All Learning is Social and Emotional (3 credits) EDCT 5788 Not every school has the time, resources, capacity, or conditions to implement a schoolwide SEL program. But prioritizing SEL need not take time from instruction. This course draws on the latest research and resources to offer individual teachers and teacher teams an accessible guide to incorporating SEL into everyday teaching in middle- and high- school classrooms. The course covers the following:
    • Building students' sense of identity and confidence in their ability to learn, overcome challenge, and influence the world around them.
    • Helping students identify, describe, and regulate their emotional responses.
    • Promoting the cognitive regulation skills critical to decision making and problem solving.
    • Fostering students' social skills, including teamwork and sharing, and their ability to establish and repair relationships.
    • Equipping students to becoming informed and involved citizens.
    Click Here to Buy  All Learning is Social and Emotional Direct from the Publisher Click Here to Buy  SEL Everyday Direct from the Publisher Click Here to preview the Syllabus
  • All children, not just those with challenging behaviors, need the social and emotional tools to grow and thrive on their own.
  • This course outlines brain-based educational theories and techniques that can be used to transform classrooms and help children learn better.  It presents experiential learning techniques that teachers can use to create an environment and enriched curriculum that take into account the needs of the developing child’s brain and allow both boys and girls to gain maximum learning opportunities, increase academic opportunities, and improve behavior.  It provides the latest scientific research on the differences between boys’ and girls’ brains, neurological development, hormonal effects, behavior, and learning needs. Click Here to Buy Boys and Girls Learn Differently!: A Guide For Teachers and Parents Direct from the Publisher Click Here to Buy Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys: Strategies that Work and Why Direct from the Publisher Click Here to preview the Syllabus
  • As the pandemic recedes and the world gradually returns to “normal,” it’s more important than ever to make your classroom a place that supports mental health and improves overall wellness. In this course, you’ll discover the why and the how of using techniques to reduce stress, improve executive function, and set the stage for increased memory and attention, better self-regulation, and improved cognition and academic learning. With this practical, research-based course, you’ll incorporate age- and grade-appropriate meditation, breathing, mindfulness, and secular yoga activities into your teaching, in ways that work for in-person as well as virtual and hybrid settings. The course includes the following:
    • Adaptations for special populations, including those who have experienced trauma
    • Recommendations for family involvement in social emotional learning
    • Guidance on self-care for teachers and school staff
    • Data from successfully implemented programs
    • Dozens of illustrations, QR codes, and reflective questions
    Mindfulness isn’t just a buzzword-it’s a time-tested, teacher-tested technique for reducing anxiety and improving you students’ outcomes. Incorporate it into your classroom and see for yourself how much good a deep breath can do. Click Here to Buy Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, & Well-Being Through Mediation, Mindfulness & Movement direct from the publisher Click Here to preview the course syllabus.
  • This course is grounded in research, addressing the needs of trauma-affected students and their teachers. Fostering Resilient Learners will help you cultivate a trauma-sensitive learning environment for students across all content areas, grade levels, and educational settings.
  • The combination of sustained hard work and resiliency, grit is the difference between those who give up and those who don’t. Grit in the Classroom assists educators in creating a learning environment that fosters grit development for all students, regardless of ability.  In an era of talent development and the pursuit of excellence, learners must be equipped with the perseverance that is essential to reaching high levels of success. This course provides a rationale for cultivating grit in the classroom with the goal of propelling this topic into discussions of building passion and talent in today’s students. By explicitly teaching learners about brain plasticity and malleable intelligence (the idea that they can become functionally smarter through effort) and by modeling and teaching specific learning strategies, teachers can help students experience higher levels of success as they develop a growth mindset. Click Here to Buy Developing Growth Mindsets direct from the publisher Click Here to Buy Grit:  The Passion and Power of Perseverence direct from Amazon Click Here to preview the course syllabus.
  • From the moment we enter school as children, we are made to feel as if our brains are fixed entities, capable of learning certain things and not others, influenced exclusively by genetics. This notion follows us into adulthood, where we tend to simply accept these established beliefs about our skillsets, such as we don’t have “a math brain” or we aren’t “the creative type”. These damaging—and as new science has revealed, false assumptions have influenced all of us at some time, affecting our confidence and willingness to try new things and limiting our choices, and, ultimately, our futures.

    Limitless Mind explodes these myths and reveals the six keys to unlocking our boundless learning potential. Research proves that those who achieve at the highest levels do so not because of a genetic inclination toward any one skill, but because of specific keys explored in the course. Our brains are not “fixed,” but entirely capable of change, growth, adaptability, and rewiring. Want to be fluent in mathematics? Learn a foreign language? Play the guitar? Write a book? The truth is not only that anyone at any age can learn anything, but the act of learning itself fundamentally changes who we are.

    Click Here to buy Limitless Mind direct from the publisher Click Here to preview the course syllabus.  
  • This course provides a much-needed comprehensive and blended view of both positive behavior management and self-empowerment that addresses behavior by allowing students to correct it among themselves.
  • Practicing Presence through Mindfulness provides scientifically proven evidence and strategies for teachers and students to address behavior issues and improve executive functioning.  Using breath, yoga, meditation exercises, and step-by-step sensation-, emotion-, and presence-based mindfulness activities to create compassionate learning environments.  Educators will learn to become present in the classroom and promote compassionate self-regulation in the classroom.
    • Explore the theory behind mindful education, including the interrelated nature of physiology, cognition, emotions, and mindfulness for students.
    • Learn how mindfulness in schools contributes to a positive mindset, alleviates the impact of toxic stress, and takes advantage of neuroplasticity.
    • Understand the effects of trauma and ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) on student behavior and the ability to learn and discover trauma-informed practices that support healing.
    • Acquire research-based mindfulness practices, including breathing exercises, yoga for the classroom, meditation for students, and cognitive reflection and awareness.
    • Reignite the passion that first drew you to education and prioritize self-care for yourself and your students.
    • Discover how to build a heart-centered learning community in classrooms and create mindful schools.
      Click Here to Buy Practicing Presence: Simple Self-Care Strategies for Teachers Direct from the Publisher Click Here to Buy Mindfulness Practices: Cultivating Heart Centered Communities Where Students Focus and Flourish Direct from the Publisher Click Here to preview the Syllabus What educators are saying about Practicing Presence: Overall, this course has been probably one of the most beneficial courses I have taken. I will continue to reference these books when I am feeling overwhelmed, disregulated or burnt out. I will also use these as I help plan out school wide lessons, or even integrating these classroom applications into the flow and routine of my daily class. Most of the “self‑care” trainings for teachers I’ve been to or have completed through my school have seemed very performative and just a bunch of useless fluff. I appreciate that these books are from educators, for educators. I also appreciate the fact that they have realistic ideas and applications for the busy lives of teachers and the jam‑packed school day.  These texts have been eye‑opening, inspiring and have allowed me to do some deep reflection around my self‑care practices and our practices in the modern‑day school system.~~SF I am incredibly grateful that I was able to take this course and it opened my eyes to mindfulness and what a positive impact it can make on students and classrooms. It is something that I will encourage others to be using, not only in my classroom, but also at our school. I would like to share my learning with my colleagues and hopefully spread an awareness of mindfulness. ~~JC
  •   This is a solutions-based course that shows how to organize and structure a classroom to create a safe and positive environment for student learning and achievement to take place.  It offers 50 procedures that can be applied, changed, adapted, and incorporated into any classroom management plan.  Each procedure is presented with a consistent format that breaks it down and tells how to teach it and what the outcome of teaching it will be.  While the work and preparation behind a well-managed classroom is rarely observed, the dividends are evident in a classroom that is less stressful for all and one that hums with learning. Click Here to Buy THE Classroom Management Book and elearning course direct from the publisher Click Here to preview the course syllabus.
  • “Please, try harder.” “Please, pay attention.” “Please, behave.” Most students want to do what it takes to succeed, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. Executive function skills such as self-regulation, focus, planning, and time management must be taught, and they take practice. When you work on them in class, you give students the tools they need to not only learn but also monitor themselves. Teaching executive function skills in your classroom doesn’t have to be difficult. This unique course—designed with busy teachers in mind—introduces a flexible seven-step model that incorporates Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles and the use of metacognition. Features include:
    • Descriptions of each skill and its impact on learning
    • Examples of instructional steps to assist students as they set goals and work to achieve success.
    • Strategies coded by competency and age/grade level
    • Authentic snapshots and “think about” sections
    • Templates for personalized goal-setting, data collection, and success plans
    • Accompanying strategy cards
    Click Here to purchase the text direct from the publisher Click Here to preview the syllabus
  • Sale!

    The Polyvagal Path to Joyful Learning: Teaching to Every Kid’s Potential (5 Credits) EDCT 5870

    Original price was: $425.00.Current price is: $405.00.
    When school staff understand the role of the nervous system in learning, they can better help students develop the skills leading to increased resilience, adaptability, and flexibility: essential qualities for social, emotional, and academic success. This course is an invitation to teachers to improve the learning in their classrooms, one student at a time, using practical, evidence-based strategies.  The course unpacks the science and shows how talents can compensate for neural processing issues and suggests small but powerful adjustments to classroom practice that can allow kids’ gifts to emerge. Click Here to Buy The Polyvagal Path to Joyful Learning direct from the publisher Click Here to Buy Teaching to Every Kid’s Potential direct from the publisher Click Here to preview the course syllabus.
  • Fully half the students in U.S. schools have experienced trauma, violence, or chronic stress. In the face of this epidemic, it falls increasingly to teachers to provide the adult support these students need to function in school. But most educators have received little training to prepare them for this role.  It is time for educational institutions and those who work within them to change their approaches and responses to traumatic symptoms that manifest in students in schools and colleges. These changes can alter how and what we teach, how we train teachers, how we structure our calendars and create our schedules, how we address student behavior and disciplinary issues, and how we design our physical space. This course describes the effects of trauma on body and mind, and how to recognize them in students' behavior.  It  introduces the trauma-sensitive practices implemented in schools,  connects the relationship between mindfulness, compassion, and resilience. Click Here to buy The Trauma Sensitive Classroom  Direct from the Publisher Click Here to buy Trauma Doesn't Stop at the School Door Direct from the Publisher Click Here to preview the course syllabus
  • Understanding the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Students presents a comprehensive treatment of social and emotional development in high-ability learners.  The course discusses the following:
    • Theories that guide examination of the lived experiences of gifted students
    • Social and emotional characteristics and behaviors evidenced in gifted learners;
    • Friendships and family relationships that support them;
    • Contextual influences that shape their social and emotional lives;
    • Identity development
    The course examines the complexity of these issues with gifted underachievers, gifted culturally diverse students, and twice-exceptional students.  It offers a plan for designing a gifted-friendly classroom environment for social and emotional development and a comprehensive collection of resources to support professionals in gifted education research and practice. Click Here to buy Understanding the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Students  direct from Amazon or direct from the publisher. Click Here to preview the course syllabus.
  • This course will take you to the next level of trauma-invested practice. Educators need to build a "nest"—a positive learning environment shaped by three new Rs of education: relationship, responsibility, and regulation.  In this course, you will be able to:
    • Explain how to create a culture of safety in which everyone feels valued, important, and capable of learning.
    • Describe the four areas of need—emotional, relational, physical, and control—that drive student behaviors and show how to meet these needs with interventions framed around the new three Rs.
    • Illustrate trauma-invested practices in action through real scenarios that identify students' unmet needs, examine the situation from five stakeholder perspectives, and suggest interventions to support students and their families.
    • Offer opportunities to challenge your beliefs and develop deeper and different ways of thinking about your role in your students' lives.
    • Examine language habits and intentionally improve classroom practice so language matches and supports goals.
    What teachers say to students—when they praise or discipline, give directions or ask questions, and introduce concepts or share stories—affects student learning and behavior.  Intonation, nuances of language, can dramatically change student behavior. Click Here to Buy What We Say and How We Say It Matter: Teacher Talk that Improves Student Learning and Behavior Direct from the Publisher Click Here to Buy Relationship, Responsibility, and Regulation: Trauma-Invested Practices for Fostering Resilient Learners Direct from the Publisher Click Here to preview the Syllabus
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