
  • Practicing Presence through Mindfulness provides scientifically proven evidence and strategies for teachers and students to address behavior issues and improve executive functioning.  Using breath, yoga, meditation exercises, and step-by-step sensation-, emotion-, and presence-based mindfulness activities to create compassionate learning environments.  Educators will learn to become present in the classroom and promote compassionate self-regulation in the classroom.
    • Explore the theory behind mindful education, including the interrelated nature of physiology, cognition, emotions, and mindfulness for students.
    • Learn how mindfulness in schools contributes to a positive mindset, alleviates the impact of toxic stress, and takes advantage of neuroplasticity.
    • Understand the effects of trauma and ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) on student behavior and the ability to learn and discover trauma-informed practices that support healing.
    • Acquire research-based mindfulness practices, including breathing exercises, yoga for the classroom, meditation for students, and cognitive reflection and awareness.
    • Reignite the passion that first drew you to education and prioritize self-care for yourself and your students.
    • Discover how to build a heart-centered learning community in classrooms and create mindful schools.
      Click Here to Buy Practicing Presence: Simple Self-Care Strategies for Teachers Direct from the Publisher Click Here to Buy Mindfulness Practices: Cultivating Heart Centered Communities Where Students Focus and Flourish Direct from the Publisher Click Here to preview the Syllabus What educators are saying about Practicing Presence: Overall, this course has been probably one of the most beneficial courses I have taken. I will continue to reference these books when I am feeling overwhelmed, disregulated or burnt out. I will also use these as I help plan out school wide lessons, or even integrating these classroom applications into the flow and routine of my daily class. Most of the “self‑care” trainings for teachers I’ve been to or have completed through my school have seemed very performative and just a bunch of useless fluff. I appreciate that these books are from educators, for educators. I also appreciate the fact that they have realistic ideas and applications for the busy lives of teachers and the jam‑packed school day.  These texts have been eye‑opening, inspiring and have allowed me to do some deep reflection around my self‑care practices and our practices in the modern‑day school system.~~SF I am incredibly grateful that I was able to take this course and it opened my eyes to mindfulness and what a positive impact it can make on students and classrooms. It is something that I will encourage others to be using, not only in my classroom, but also at our school. I would like to share my learning with my colleagues and hopefully spread an awareness of mindfulness. ~~JC
  • Perhaps more now than at any other time in modern history, our students need a feeling of connectedness at school.  They need to feel seen, heard, understood, and known in our classrooms.  And it begins with us.  As middle and high school teachers, we have the power to inspire a whole new level of engagement with the students in front of us.  This course describes the positive student relationships that lies in our capacity to teach with vulnerability—to bring our authentic selves into the classroom. Failure is not only a possibility for learners during these challenging times, but a productive, concrete way of gaining ground. How can parents and educators teach kids to turn failure into progress toward success? Learn what to say and what not to say to truly help kids self-motivate and become independent, lifelong learners. Create a deeper understanding of how motivation works along with new, practical, research-driven strategies for spurring learners to thrive. Kids are bound to stumble and fall, but by capitalizing on knowledge and the latest research on motivation, we can equip them to stand up and move forward, pointing them on the route to success. Click Here to Buy Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight direct from the publisher Click Here to Buy The Power of Teaching Vulnerably direct from the publisher Click Here Here to preview the course syllabus.
  • As the pandemic recedes and the world gradually returns to “normal,” it’s more important than ever to make your classroom a place that supports mental health and improves overall wellness. In this course, you’ll discover the why and the how of using techniques to reduce stress, improve executive function, and set the stage for increased memory and attention, better self-regulation, and improved cognition and academic learning. With this practical, research-based course, you’ll incorporate age- and grade-appropriate meditation, breathing, mindfulness, and secular yoga activities into your teaching, in ways that work for in-person as well as virtual and hybrid settings. The course includes the following:
    • Adaptations for special populations, including those who have experienced trauma
    • Recommendations for family involvement in social emotional learning
    • Guidance on self-care for teachers and school staff
    • Data from successfully implemented programs
    • Dozens of illustrations, QR codes, and reflective questions
    Mindfulness isn’t just a buzzword-it’s a time-tested, teacher-tested technique for reducing anxiety and improving you students’ outcomes. Incorporate it into your classroom and see for yourself how much good a deep breath can do. Click Here to Buy Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, & Well-Being Through Mediation, Mindfulness & Movement direct from the publisher Click Here to preview the course syllabus.
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