Solving Academic and Behavior Problems (3 Credits) EDCT 5836


Based on the positive psychology of appreciative inquiry, this course builds on what is working with students to address what is not working. It provides a system of support that helps general education teachers partner with specialists and parents to learn new ways to enrich academic, social-emotional, and behavioral growth through structured conversations and a series of productive meetings of 30 minutes or less.

Using more than 25 video clips, the course walks you through the six basic steps of the appreciative inquiry problem-solving process:

  • Connect with team members and stakeholders.

  • Review the meeting focus/concern.

  • Share a story that details when you successfully addressed the concern.

  • Establish a goal using a concise “DATA” framework.

  • Design an action plan.

  • Commit to an action.

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Solving Academic and Behavior Problems (3 Credits)  EDCT 5836


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