

            This course focuses on emotions as powerful motivators of learning because they activate brain mechanisms originally evolved to manage our basic survival.   Meaningful thinking and learning are inherently emotional because we care deeply about things we think about.  To motivate students for academic learning, produce deep understanding, and ensure the transfer of educational experiences into real-world skills and careers, educators must find ways to relate the emotional aspects of learning.  Poor executive functioning can result in behavioral and attentional problems in school.  Children without age-appropriate self-regulation are likely to move into adolescence and young adulthood less equipped to succeed academically, less socially competent, and less able to cope with frustration and stress.  This course provides ways to improve executive function that allow children to gain essential self-regulating skills and succeed.  It is a groundbreaking course in affective neuroscience.


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Click Here to buy Emotions, Learning, and the Brain directly from the publisher

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