All Learning is Social and Emotional (3 credits) EDCT 5788

All Learning is Social and Emotional (3 credits) EDCT 5788


This course will be dropped on June 30, 2024

All Learning is Social and Emotional (3 credits) EDCT 5788

Not every school has the time, resources, capacity, or conditions to implement a schoolwide SEL program. But prioritizing SEL need not take time from instruction. This course draws on the latest research and resources to offer individual teachers and teacher teams an accessible guide to incorporating SEL into everyday teaching in middle- and high- school classrooms. The course covers the following:

  • Building students’ sense of identity and confidence in their ability to learn, overcome challenge, and influence the world around them.
  • Helping students identify, describe, and regulate their emotional responses.
  • Promoting the cognitive regulation skills critical to decision making and problem solving.
  • Fostering students’ social skills, including teamwork and sharing, and their ability to establish and repair relationships.
  • Equipping students to becoming informed and involved citizens.

Click Here to Buy  All Learning is Social and Emotional Direct from the Publisher

Click Here to Buy  SEL Everyday Direct from the Publisher

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All Learning is Social and Emotional (3 credits) EDCT 5788


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